Cres: Wo es nach Salbei, Thymian und Rosmarin duftet
Wandern, baden, eigene Weintrauben essen, Tintenfisch genießen, Eskapaden mit dem Fahrrad und der Duft nach wilden Kräutern und mediterranen Wäldern: Cres im Nordwesten von Kroatien hält viele Abenteuer bereit. Ein Urlaub mit allen Sinnen – wir geben Ihnen Reisetipps und hoffen, dass Sie sich so Ihren perfekten Cres-Urlaub selbst zusammenstellen können. Inhaltsverzeichnis Fortbewegung Unterkünfte Die besten Städte und Dörfer Die wundervollsten Strände Aktivitäten auf Cres…
Gentrifizierung in Leipzig / Transformação urbana em Leipzig
Queres conhecer mais a cidade de Leipzig? No meu artigo mais novo "Transformação urbana em Leipzig" para o Goethe-Institut explico as duas vagas de gentrificação da cidade de Leipzig (Alemanha).
Corona-Update und Tipps für Reiseveranstalter
Ende Dezember 2019 wurde der erste Fall des neusten Corona-Virus, SARS-CoV-2, in China in der Region Wuhan diagnostiziert. Dieser breitete sich rasant auf der ganzen Welt aus. Laut der Johns-Hopkins-Universität (27.03.2020) sind heute weltweit 176 Länder von der Pandemie betroffen. Wie kann die Reisebranche damit umgehen? Und wann ist ein Ende in Sicht? Der deutsche Virologe Christian Drosten von der Charité Berlin und der deutsche…
Auf der Walz / Em deambulação
Sind sie dir auch schon einmal aufgefallen? Schwarzer Hut, Weste, Schlaghose – junge Menschen mit diesem Outfit sieht man seit ein paar Jahren wieder häufiger in Städten oder an Autobahnauffahrten Deutschlands. Welche Geheimnisse es bei den Wandergesellen zu finden gibt - und welche nicht - erfahrt ihr in diesem Artikel: Será que também já deste alguma vez por eles? Chapéu preto, colete, calças à boca…
Sammelband „Inklusion in Kanada“
Im Beltz-Verlag ist nun der Sammelband über Inklusion in Kanada mit einem Artikel von mir erschienen. Kanada ist federführend beim Thema "Bildung für alle". In dem Buch werden nicht nur verschiedene Beispiele aus Kanada vorgestellt, sondern die schulische Inklusion dort auch mit der in Deutschland verglichen. In meinem Beitrag "Kulturbedingte Herausforderungen für schulische und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe in indigenen Reservaten Kanadas: Das Beispiel des Atikamekw-Dorfes Manawan…
Poetry-Slam – Kunst, Hobby und Beruf / Poetry slam – arte, passatempo e profissão
Poetry-Slam ist ein Wettstreit von Dichter*innen, der in Deutschland viel Anklang findet. Doch was denken die Slammer selbst über dieses Format? In diesem Beitrag für das Goethe-Institut Portugal kommen zwei bekannte Slam-Poeten aus Leipzig zu Wort. Poetry slam é uma competição de poesia que se populariza muito na Alemanha. Mas o que é que @s poetry slammers pensam eles mesmos de essa formata? Neste artigo para…
Tourismus und Lissabon / Turismo e Lisboa
Wie hat sich Lissabon in den letzten sechs Jahren verändert? Welches neues Tourismuskonzept ist zu spüren und wie beeinflusst es das Stadtbild und die Lebensqualität in der portugiesischen Hauptstadt? Diese Fragen habe ich in einem Artikel für das Goethe-Institut Portugal beantwortet. Como é que Lisboa mudou nos seis anos passados? Qual é o novo concepto turístico que se pode sentir e como é que influencia a imagem da cidade…
Portugal auf der Leipziger Buchmesse / Portugal na Feira do Livro de Leipzig
Wie hat sich Portugal auf der Buchmesse Leipzig 2016 präsentiert? War es erfolgreich? Diese Fragen habe ich in einem Artikel für das Goethe-Institut Portugal beantwortet. Como é que Portugal presentou-se na Feira do Livro de Leipzig 2016? Foi bem-sucedido? Respondi nestas perguntas num artigo para o Goethe-Institut Portugal.
Religious and general fasting
I grew up in Germany, a country which is characterized by Christianity and Judaism. In recent times, also Muslim traditions become more and more familiar to me. Among many other things, one common practice in many religions is fasting. Why do people fast? Is it an only religious motivation or do people fast for other reasons? What does fasting do to people? Here are some facts…
Leipzig – A city with book tradition
Leipzig (Germany) was once one of the major European centers of learning and culture in fields such as music and publishing and plays still an important role in these fields. How did this happen and which role does the Leipzig Trade Fair plays in this development? In the Middle Ages, Leipzig was the intersection of two very important trade roads of the Holy Roman Empire in Europe: Via Regia (from…
Bryant Park in New York City
As I come from a small town in Germany, huge cities like New York stress me after some days. My favorite NYC places to relax are Central Park and the High Line. But when you're walking in the Time Square area and you need a break, go to Bryant Park. There are benches, and in summer you can sit on the grass and enjoy a…
Cabarete (Dominican Republic)
Cabarete is a village on the North coast of the Dominican Republic. It was founded in 1835 by Zephaniah Kingsley and his mixed-race family (he practiced polygamy and married four black women), and 53 slaves he freed from his Florida plantations. In 1984, a Canadian wind surfer discovered Cabarete as an exceptional hot spot for wind surfing. Subsequently, the outstanding surf conditions of the bay…
Louise Lecavalier – Ikon of contemporary dance
Impressing and outstanding. Different and unique. Particular and herself. These are some words that come in my mind when I think of Louise Lecavalier who I was honored to see dancing on Friday night in the European Center of Arts Dresden "Hellerau". How can a person have so much energy, express her story by an incomparable sharing dance and amaze me so much, that I…
Portugal: Belém Tower
When I think of my favorite city Lisbon (Portuguese: Lisboa), I see a bright and promising blue. It's like Lisbon held a patent on this color. You see this it when you get out of the plane and no matter where you are in Lisbon - the sky color is always above you. The same blue is mirrored in the water of the large Tagus…
Carnival tradition in Germany
Today is Rose Monday, one of the most important Carnival days. The best known Carnival cities are Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Venice (Italy) and Cologne (Germany). The important center of German Carnival is the Rhineland. But also in many other German regions the time before the Christian six-week Lent is celebrated very cheerfully. Where does this tradition come from? Some people connect the carnival with…
Atmosfair – website for CO₂ offset
Most people travel far to meet other peoples, to immerge into (by them) unknown cultures. Germans are known to be the world's most frequently travelers, but also many other nations travel a lot and like to see other countries; and most often, we use the plane - with a guilty conscience, because we know about the ecological footprint we leave. We know, we could stay at…
Mangrove forests
The ecosystem Mangrove is originated by salt tolerant types of trees up to medium height and by shrubs that grow in saline coastal sediment habitats in the tropics and subtropics with a water temperature of about 68°F (20°C). The mangrove forest areas of the world in 2005 was about 58,000 mi² (150,000 km²) spanning 118 countries and territories. Approximately 75% of world’s mangroves are found in just 15 countries. Asia has the largest amount (42%) of the…
Humor in Sachsen
Was macht den sächsischen Humor aus, und was unterscheidet ihn von dem anderer Regionen Deutschlands? Diese Fragen habe ich in einem Artikel für das Goethe-Institut Portugal beantwortet.
Humor na Saxónia
O que é o humor saxónico e o que distingue-o do das outras regiões alemãs? Respondi nestas perguntas num artigo para o Goethe-Institut Portugal.
Munich – New Town Hall and Maypole
Munich (German: München) is the capital of the German region Bavaria (Bayern). With 1,5 million inhabitants, Munich is the 3rd biggest city of Germany (after Berlin and Hamburg). Munich is known especially for its famous Oktoberfest. Two other emblems are the New Town Hall and the Maypole at the Viktualienmarkt. The New Town Hall of Munich is domicile of the municipality of the city since 1874. Georg…